T Level students and your future workforce

Employers across England are realising the business benefits of T Levels as they host students on industry placements. This guide will help you understand how a T Level student can progress from the industry placement to becoming a successful member of your workforce.


Q:   How does hosting an industry placement help to overcome these challenges?

A:   The industry placement provides an excellent progression opportunity.

It gives you:

  • A way to build entry-level skills - even before a young person is employed by you
  • An opportunity to make sure that a young person is developing the skills, workplace behaviours and experience you need
  • A chance to build a talent pipeline for junior positions, apprenticeships and internships.

“It has opened up so many opportunities. I’ve learnt so much when I’ve been here that I never thought I would. I feel like if I didn’t have the placement, I wouldn’t be this confident.”

Education T Level Student


Progressing into Work

T Level students can develop to become an integral part of your workforce, with skills and knowledge that is directly relevant to your industry and recruitment needs.  Additionally, by working with local schools, colleges and training providers delivering T Levels, you can avoid many recruitment related costs and tap into a pool of exciting young people who are making decisions about their future.

“It has made me realise what I want to do in future. It’s like a dream job I never knew I wanted.  It does help you see what the world is really like.”

Animal Care T Level Student

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